Webforms for Healthcare
I am looking forward to talking about my experiences in implementing webforms for healthcare.
This presentation will be my first time discussing the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center's (MSKCC) implementation of the Webform module. I am even going to show the MSKCC project, which inspired me to build the Webform module for Drupal 8. This presentation will approach the topic of "Webforms for Healthcare" from two different angles.
The three big digital concerns for healthcare
First, we are going to explore Webform features and add-ons to address core digital concerns, accessibility, privacy, and security. Accessibility and privacy are important topics that are going to be discussed throughout the Healthcare summit.

The three primary audiences for healthcare
Second, we are going to explore how to leverage Webforms to address healthcare's three primary audiences for Clinical Care, Research, and Education. Each one of the audiences has a different use case and requirements. After twenty years of working in the healthcare industry, I also know that doctors need to be included in all aspects of healthcare.

Join us at the Drupal Healthcare Summit
Join us at the Drupal Healthcare Summit on Tuesday, April 9th. Throughout the day we are going to talk about patient experiences, education, privacy, inclusion, accessibility, and more…
If you can't join us at the Drupal Healthcare Summit, you can watch my pre-recorded practice presentation below…