I’ve decided to start a blog about my experience supporting the Webform module and working within the Drupal community and it begins here.
The reception I received at DrupalCon Baltimore, was, to say the least, overwhelming. My personal highlight was having Alex Pott, a Drupal 8 co-maintainer, sit in the front row of my Webform 8.x-5.x presentation. I couldn’t find the courage to approach him and say, "Hi". I’m sure we’ll laugh about this in the Webform module's issue queue.
My most important DrupalCon moment occurred to me after I finished my presentation and started taking questions; it was then that I realized how much impact my work is having in the Drupal community. At the same time, I got nervous. I asked myself, "How am I going to support this massive project?” The next day I got my answer at the Webform BOF, when Joseph Bachana asked "How can we help you?" and Tim Cosgrove created a #webform-dev Drupal Slack channel. I realized that help and support is available in the Drupal community.
Still, I have to admit that herding Drupal cats is not my strong point. I’m better at writing code than I am at writing words and managing issue queues. I’ve come to the realization that I write code to solve problems. Now, I’m starting a blog to inspire discussions. So I guess this first blog post of mine is my way of saying thanks for the supportive and memorable DrupalCon experience.
It’s time for me to get to work with the Drupal community.
…and so this journey begins.
Photo by Jeff Geerling